Mednarodne izmenjave dijakov Srednje frizerske šole Ljubljana




24. novembra 2017 je Center Republike Slovenije za mobilnost in evropske programe izobraževanja in usposabljanja (CMEPIUS) naši šoli podelil priznanje Erasmus+ VET Mobility Charter.

21. marca 2021 je Center Republike Slovenije za mobilnost in evropske programe izobraževanja in usposabljanja (CMEPIUS) naši šoli podelil Akreditacijo Erasmus+ za odbobje 2021-2027.


The Ljubljana Secondary School for Hairstyling participates in three international Erasmus+ projects:

  • Practical training of students abroad


The words in the title are the words used by a student who spent a month abroad for the first time. Together with four other girls from our school she became an independent, responsible person. This is one of the main goals of Erasmus+ projects. For the teachers, the experience of accompanying students on mobility, attending classes at a partner school or carrying out training and courses is an added value, as they get to know work and life at other schools and can share their experiences with colleagues from abroad. This is how long-term collaborations are created.

Our school is celebrating thirty years of its autonomy, and for more than a third of that time it has been participating in various projects financed by the European Union. Every year since 2011, the school has applied to the tender for EU funds for student mobility – practical training abroad – at the national agency CMEPIUS. By the end of the 2021 project, the school has successfully completed four Leonardo da Vinci projects and seven Erasmus+ projects. During this time, we sent more than three hundred students and teachers abroad to attend various types of training and courses. The quality of the projects was recognized by the National Agency and awarded us with the Charter of Quality for the period 2017-2020 and 2020-2027 and the Certificate of Excellence for the period 2023-2026.

We cooperate with hairdressing schools in Čakovec in Croatia, Parnu in Estonia, with schools in Finland (Helsinki, Rovaniemi, Vaasa, Laappenranta) and with schools in Spain (Gijon, Tenerife, Santurzi). Mobility in Malta for our students is set up by a partner organization. On a smaller scale, we collaborate with the Trevor Sorbie hairdressing salon in London. During the epidemic, we started collaborating with the Secondary School for Beauty Care in Belgrade.

In addition, also our teachers of practical lessons share their knowledge with foreign students and teachers, as we have carried out several trainings and courses at partner schools abroad. For many years, our school has been organizing practical training for foreign students in salons with the help of employers-mentors.

In the last school year, we completed the project Entrepreneurial Learning for Future Sustainability, where secondary schools with programs in multimedia, hairdressing and fashion design from the Netherlands, Finland, Portugal, and Slovenia participated. This year we are finishing the multi annual project Excellence in International Eco-friendly Hair and Skincare, where students of cosmetology and hairdressing schools from Iceland, Belgium, Finland and Slovenia work on the use of healthy ingredients in skin and hair care.

Mobility, short for practical training at an employer abroad for students or various courses and training for staff, has become an important part of the life of our school. All participants invest a lot of energy and free time to achieve the set goals and take full advantage of the opportunities offered by Erasmus+.

Written by the Erasmus+ coordinator
Stanka Platiša Pogačnik.


  • Entrepreneurial Learning for Future Sustainability (ELFS)


Schools participating in the project are: Prakticum (Finland, Helsinki), Stadio AO (Finland, Helsinki), Escola Technica de Imagem e Comunicacao Aplicada (Portugal, Lisbon), ROC Mondriaan (The Netherlands, Den Haag), Srednja frizerska šola Ljubljana (Slovenia, Ljubljana).
The main objective of ELFS is the exchange of good practices concerning the use of sustainable solutions and circular economy in today’s entrepreneurial challenges. The project encourages innovative business ideas coming from various backgrounds and furthermore, the integration of these varieties into a common business strategy. All the participants of the project hope to find within this project interesting solutions which will help future entrepreneurs in the fields of fashion, hairstyling and media technology find means emphasising sharing, borrowing and recycling rather than mere consuming. Moreover, the project encourages multi-lingual and multicultural communication, development of multicultural agreement and team work between students as well as participating teachers.

  • ELFS project had three main parts:
    • pre-assignements, that took place a few months before each work-week, and prepared students for the international team working during work-weeks;
    • three work-weeks in three different countries: the 1st work-week took place in Helsinki in February 2020, the 2nd work-week took place in Den Haag in November 2021, and the last work-week was in Lisbon in May 2022;
    • final results and ending of the project took place in Slovenia from 15th to 17th June 2022.
  • Excellence in International Eco-friendly Hair and Skincare

    Schools participating in the project are: Provincial Instituut voor Haartooi en Schoonheidszorgen Gent (Belgium, Gent), Taekniskolinn – skoli atvinnulifsins (Island, Reykjavik), Prakticum (Finland, Helsinki), Srednja frizerska šola Ljubljana (Slovenia, Ljubljana).
    Between the October 18 to 22 teachers Darja Pirkmaier Maklin and Urša Troha as well as the co-ordinator of the project Stanka Platiša Pogačnik attended the first meeting in Gent, Belgium. The working week was dedicated to the detailed preparation of the timetable for the execution of the project, emphasis on the content and first presentations of good practices from workshops and cultural exchange. The objective of the project is to increase the awareness of the necessity of using eco-friendly preparations in hairstyling and, in general, the preparation of learning materials for technical subjects in hairstyling.
    The use of natural eco-friendly preparations in hairstyling is a challenge for the future since there are more and more people with various allergic difficulties. Therefore, we need the knowledge of a wide range of natural and skin-friendly ingredients which form the base of natural haircare. There is a growing emphasis on quality and safety of hairstyling preparations. Lately we have become particularly interested in natural, non-refined plant-based eco-friendly oils. Furthermore, we are interested in the synergy in the workings of natural plant and etheric oils.


    Sustainable development and eco-friendly lifestyle are becoming more and more important worldwide. Cosmetic industry of the future is an industry dedicated to the use of eco-friendly materials. Our objective is to familiarize students in technical and vocational schools with the importance of ecological awareness.

    With this project we aim to equip EU students with knowledge on the use of eco-friendly products for haircare and skincare.
